Yesterday I solved the problem of the main text on the main page. You may not have known this, but before they were images for the text on the links, but now with advanced HTML, you can finish loading the page 3 times faster. Also, in the Java version (probably the one your using), there is a cool fade in the beginning that adds cool effects. Plus, in Star Wars Genesis I added a counter to the day when SW1 opens (March 25th, 1999). It changes every second! Sorry news hasn't updated, there hasn't been much. Thanks! Oh, I almost forgot... I got a "Cool - as - All - Hell Site of the Week" Award! Go check it out!
Ok, I have another thing about news. It updates every day so PLEASE visit!!! I have great news on Oola and Salacious Crumb! They will be boxed, like the Speederbikes, and they look AWESOME!!! Guess what? The Top 10 Awards open today! Send in your sites address and I will let you know what happens from there! Do it today!!!!!
I have news... on the main page I have the following for today: Site Version If the text is different from normal (the font is called 'Stop'), you have the privelage of owning a special font cartrige (or something). To determine if you have it, look at the What's New Logo. The font is in the image. Also, the numbers stand for the following: 3 month. 14 day. 98 year. The extra number will only be added if SWT&N is updated more then once a day (which will happen often). 2 means the number of times SWT&N has updated this day. You will see the font placed everywhere in SWT&N. It spices up the site. Also, I added a NON - JAVA VERSION. Go to https://members.tripod.com/~MikeBIG/indexno.html for it. To tell if you do not have java, go to Jabba's Hut and enter the chat room. If a message saying: I'm sorry, but your browser does not enable Java. Therefore, you will not be able to chat in Jabba's Hut. Bib Fortuna will show you to the door, and then to the Sarlacc Pit. Have a nice day : ), then you do not have java, and you will need the Java version. Also, if the images on the main menu do not change when you put the cursor over them, you do not have java. For an example, click here. Also, if the scrolling text bar does not work on this page, or the main page, you do not have java. I'm just trying to help everyone get the best. For java, download Netscape 3 for free, or purchase Netscape 4 (what I'm using) for the best in quality. Thanks!
I just wanted to let you know that the Max Rebo Band pics are in News. Also, SWT&N's Grand Re-Opening Party will be on March 18th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. I hope to see you there! It will be in Jabba's Hut. Chris at Toshi Station says he will be there in spirit since he can't make it, but Shawn, possibly the whole crew at YSNN and Phillip will be there. Hopefully Dustin, but SirSteve and Leo can't make it. Too bad, it will be great! Remember, Mach 18th (Wednesday) at Eight o'clock PM EST. Thanks!!!
Just so you know, above it says that "News Updates are NOT listed here!" Well, they aren't, unless there is a big story like the update below. It was cool how SWT&N's grand re-opening was the same day the newest and most wanted figures were announced. Anyways, since news updates aren't listed here, you should know that I will update it almost EVERY DAY!!! Unless nothing happens... but that's rare. Enjoy SWT&N!!!
Guess what? The new Star Wars Insider figure was announced!!! Actually, it will be 2. Oola, and Salacious Crumb! Apply for his award! Anyway, it really exiting... more will come soon...
Welcome back to the grand re-opening of SWT&N!!! As you probably notice... there is a lot of Java going on as promised long ago. Also, I've gotten MUCH BETTER with HTML and Java in the past 2 months, and I'm sad to announce that I won't be completing my other works I planned to (Music Kiosk, Starlight Productions). I might be doing that soon, but nothing is planned yet. Please sign up for The Star Wars Newsletter before the grand re-publishing on March 15th (5 days). I will really apreciate it if you spread the word about SWN so I can get everyone to join! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the new Star Wars Toys and News!!!
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